Innovation Insights

The Science of Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day

Back in 1961, the Chicago River was not something that local residents were proud of; in fact, it was a receptacle for trash from many local businesses. It is unclear how the river dyeing tradition began in 1962, whether it was inspired by an accidental spill of dye on white plumbers coveralls or by using […]

Where to start with materials characterization?

Is it a technique that answers your question or is it the one that you favor because it is already in your lab? We wish it were the latter, but in many cases, scientists will favor the instrumentation that is already available and at the right cost (FREE). Most people like to use what they […]

🚀 10 Characteristics of Innovators in Research and Development 🌐

Embarking on a thrilling journey as a Principal in polymer chemistry and materials science by founding CArtLab Solutions, my path is illuminated by innovation, inclusivity, and a passion for sustainability. Today, I am eager to unveil the dynamic traits of my ideal client profile, embodying the pulsating values that fuel my scientific endeavors. 🎯 1. […]

10 types of innovation at CArtLab Solutions

As a new member (and Fellow) at the incubator, accelerator, and hard tech ecosystem of mHub, I am faced daily with the question: “Have you done this before?” as a qualifying question from potential clients. It’s only natural that someone would ask this question, as adults we have learned the importance of doing the thing […]

Top 5 pain points where hiring a principal investigator is your best bet

What types of scenarios does someone hire a technical consultant/ P.I.? In every work experience, there is always administrative responsibilites. Tasks that makes one wonder about our own contribution and it’s significance. Will an AI robot replace this worker’s role for this monotonous labor? In contrast to repetitive administrative roles, the best job security is […]

5 Black STEM Women Who Make Her-story

For Black History Month, who are you celebrating? Please rounds of applause to ALL underrepresented women for graduating with STEM degrees in a system where these women receive only 12.4% masters degrees and 6.8% of doctoral degrees (NSF NCSES, 2019). The first two black women I want to give all the snaps/props/claps/respect for being part […]

4 ways to think of Materials Science

When we talk about human history, we refer to phases of innovation by material: The Stone Age, The Bronze Age, The Iron Age, and now.. The Plastic Age. As deemed in the Dustin Hoffman film “The Graduate”, “the future is plastics” but what does that mean for materials science and engineering? Forgive me for a […]

Fantasy, feminism, or fiction?

Bonnie Garmus’s text “Lessons and Chemistry” was a book I could not put down until I finished it. I related to the protoganist mainly because we both love to cook and to do research of chemistry. The impetus to write my perspective comes in contrast to several reviews I have read on the novel. To […]

5 Hats of a Principal Investigator

What is a Principal Investigator (P.I.)? In academia, the P.I. is the leader of a lab thus works to secure public grant funding, to recruite/mentor students, and to disseminate research, and of course must have a Ph.D. Outside of academia, the role of P.I. can be held by anyone with at least a masters degree, […]

Breakdown of the name “CArtLab Solutions”

Back when I was on my search for the “right” college/university experience, I would get a range of responses to that initial survey each admissions office would have us all fill out with our experiences and interests. “Oh, you wrote both art and chemistry! Can you talk about that?” My interest was not obvious to […]