Overwhelmed By The Options?
π Are you a product lead overwhelmed by the many directions of development?
π¬ As a research scientist who has worked on multi-million dollar projects with billion dollar companies, I have witnessed this discomfort.
π Through doctoral training, Dr. CC has trained to sit in this overwhelming feeling and still make progress forward. CArtLab Solutions can help you turn your frown upside-down with these 3 mindset shifts:
1οΈβ£ Can-do attitude
Instead of asking IS this product possible, ask HOW is it possible? Look for solutions in unexpected areas, like another industry for example.
π CArtLab Solutions utilized art conservation science storage solutions to deliver new packaging solutions to a client who experienced similar offgasing issues with newly 3D printed plastic.
2οΈβ£ Decisively define best and worst case scenarios:
Uncertainty is only as scary as the resources used to evaluate a risky option. Define risks that are worth taking and those that are not, thus allowing the creativity to fail within comfortable boundaries.
πWorking with a Fortune100 company’s cultural heritage collection, Dr. CC struggled to get enough samples to test for statistically relevant data collection. After communicating with relevant stakeholders on questions that needed to be answered, and then coordinated with specialists to identify samples that were previously considered trash, Dr. CC was able to collect data that would later lead to significant publications.
3οΈβ£ Unafraid of conflict:
Some issues require being managed head-on, and being scared of the possible personal conflict involved does not provide the solution.
π Dr. CC’s lack of hesitation around changing a process by removing an entire step was able to help her client’s customers save 35% processing time for digital dentistry solutions that saves customers hundreds in startup hardware cost
Does your business have this issue? Have you tried these or other techniques to get through the discomfort of uncertainty when it feels like there are endless possible directions? Please comment and let us know your experiences!