About the author Dr. CC

Overwhelmed By The Options?

Overwhelmed By The Options?

πŸ†” Are you a product lead overwhelmed by the many directions of development?
πŸ”¬ As a research scientist who has worked on multi-million dollar projects with billion dollar companies, I have witnessed this discomfort.
😁 Through doctoral training, Dr. CC has trained to sit in this overwhelming feeling and still make progress forward. CArtLab Solutions can help you turn your frown upside-down with these 3 mindset shifts:

1️⃣ Can-do attitude
Instead of asking IS this product possible, ask HOW is it possible? Look for solutions in unexpected areas, like another industry for example.
🌟 CArtLab Solutions utilized art conservation science storage solutions to deliver new packaging solutions to a client who experienced similar offgasing issues with newly 3D printed plastic.

2️⃣ Decisively define best and worst case scenarios:
Uncertainty is only as scary as the resources used to evaluate a risky option. Define risks that are worth taking and those that are not, thus allowing the creativity to fail within comfortable boundaries.
🌟Working with a Fortune100 company’s cultural heritage collection, Dr. CC struggled to get enough samples to test for statistically relevant data collection. After communicating with relevant stakeholders on questions that needed to be answered, and then coordinated with specialists to identify samples that were previously considered trash, Dr. CC was able to collect data that would later lead to significant publications.

3️⃣ Unafraid of conflict:
Some issues require being managed head-on, and being scared of the possible personal conflict involved does not provide the solution.
🌟 Dr. CC’s lack of hesitation around changing a process by removing an entire step was able to help her client’s customers save 35% processing time for digital dentistry solutions that saves customers hundreds in startup hardware cost

Does your business have this issue? Have you tried these or other techniques to get through the discomfort of uncertainty when it feels like there are endless possible directions? Please comment and let us know your experiences!

Secret sauce in plastics and pies

Secret sauce in plastics and pies

At CArtLab Solutions we provide mission-driven companies with collaborative research for early stage product development, while promising impact on equity and sustainability. Science and innovation are paired in our business through the glue of creative thought and the art of trying well-informed hypotheses or solutions to serve our clients needs.

Practically at CArtLab Solutions, we find ourselves spending significant time building or improving processes- for client communication, sales, marketing, administration, finances, research, development, maintaining expertise, enabling both equitable and sustainable practices, etc.

How do we choose which process to prioritize?

Every day is an additional adventure, and the “secret sauce” or “the art” of CArtLab Solutions can be broken down to two visuals:

1) Plastics:

Different coatings can be added for different functionalities, here to protect a polymer from damaging UV light.

Though studying artworks that are made of plastic is part of our Principal Dr. CC’s research expertise, it is merely the prequel to CArtLab Solutions. Plastic properties or most important characteristic like the look, the feel, or the way the plastic does what it is designed to do (like hold in/let out moisture, heat, UV light, water, strengthen, change viscosity, etc), is usually due to <20% of the whole formula or recipe of the complete or bulk plastic material.

The secret sauce of polymers -the small impacts the property of the whole- is also the art of CArtLab Solutions regarding our values of equity and sustainability in research and development. The voices that are usually underrepresented in STEM are the most important to bring to R&D innovation, especially if they are one of the stakeholders in the process.

Sometimes we all have to work a little differently, or reach out differently to find, to listen, and to empower those perspectives. Sometimes it means finding another business model or less obvious solutions.

Sometimes it means reaching for sustainable polymers that are both biocompatible and biodegradable, in 3D printing this could be polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), thermoplastic starch (TPS), and poly (butylene succinate) (PBS), or poly(lactic acid) PLA, or at least a biocomposite like natural fiber-reinforced composites (NFRCs), cellulose, nannocellulose, or even cellulose triacetate (CTA). [Andanje, M. N., Mwangi, J. W., Mose, B. R., & Carrara, S. (2023). Biocompatible and Biodegradable 3D Printing from Bioplastics: A Review. Polymers, 15(10), 2355.]

2) The Pie:

Grow the pie by adding another, rewarding slice to each day!

At the end of the day, or week, or quarter, there are only so many hours that should be utilized for one category of the business pie. Both to avoid burnout and to continue growth, mental flexibility is required to adjust pie pieces and percentages each day according to priority.

The less obvious part of the art of the pie is in knowing when it needs to grow. It’s important to realize when it’s important to make time for the activity that is rated lower priority wise, but will cause the most impact.

At CArtLab Solutions, we believe in growing the pie (8″ to 10″ diameters for any of my U.S. bakers out there) by prioritizing actions like resting, taking self care, stretching, walking in nature, reading, exercising, practicing spirituality, volunteering time to a dear cause, and spending resources to learn more, like learning in lab through passion projects (look for the next mhub Monday’s post)! These sorts of solutions lead to fruitful contributions to other areas of the business in a surprising way.

Like all weeks, Dr. CC would love to hear back from the readers: what grows your pie?

Debunking Rejection

Debunking Rejection

Who else has been rejected? From a job? A client opportunity? A personal relationship?

It’s normal after rejection to wonder: if I had done x, y, or z differently, would I have been rejected?

This week CArtLab Solutions is going to borrow hypothesis testing from statistics to help find ways to work around the “icky” feeling that comes with rejection in various areas of life.

First it is important to question: what type of information or data does this moment provide?

Is it quantitative or qualitative?

Is the data continuous or discrete?

Does the data represent a normal distribution, or is it skewed with data being collected from a specific bias?

In the type of hypothesis testing used in this article, a researcher will apply experiments to prove/disprove a hypothesis on data that is quantitiative, continuous, normally distributed, and population is 10x bigger than the sample size.

The researcher will collect data to define a mean (ΞΌ), and define the dataset according to it’s variance (Οƒ^2):

Curves representing different data distributions

The data collected must be repeatable and be compared to a known fact/property/ parameter about the same system.

For example if facing a rejection, one might immediately jump to a fear, misrepresented as a fact: “I’m not good enough” or “it’s all my fault” or “I should have done x, y, or z”.

Instead, hypothesis testing teaches us to collect more data to confirm repeatability of results–> collecting data to confirm the null hypothesis:

-Apply to more jobs

-Pitch the product to other clients

-Keep dating people looking for another relationship

Also, add another known fact to compare to our hypothesis test, and this is the research hypothesis, H1:

-When applying to 6 colleges, the applicant got accepted to 3, and rejected by 3, and this rejection was irrelevant to completing the college degree

-If a person does not pitch the product, they will not get a client

-If a person does not shower that day, they will not get a date that turns into a relationship

Why choose two representations of the hypothesis?

It is how we check our assumptions of our hypothesis, to confirm data are not noise and instead represent a signal for repeatable results that should be noted.

For the sake of this article, we will focus on the rejection region method by choosing a critical value of alpha.

This step is about the confidence of the result: does the researcher want to be 95% confident of their hypothesis after the testing? 90%? In the case of 95%, one would choose an alpha value of 5% or 0.05, for 90%, one would choose 10% or 0.10.

It is up to the researcher.

This means, if a research hypothesis tested has repeatable results within the rejection region, the null hypothesis is not true, and the control is held by the tester, not by the applicant.

Rejection region is defined by the researcher designing the experiment

Data falling into the rejection region may not be something that an applicant has control over, rather something they simply influence in a minor way.

Next time you or a friend gets a rejection, remember, is this enough data to jump to fear-based conclusions? Is the data skewed because of a situation out of your control? Is it simply a data-set with a large alpha value, thus low confidence in the result?

At CArtLab Solutions, we understand the complexity of factors impacting a rejection region, and accept that when our our alpha values of confidence do not match a lead, rejection may be the only option to move forward, onto collecting more data from more clients.

Top 5 R&D skills @CArtLab Solns

Top 5 R&D skills @CArtLab Solns

There are so many ways to do research these days that it seems like almost anyone can call themselves a researcher. Research skills can be developed at a young age, living in a world with free access to google’s database of information. In high school and college students learn the basics of references, how to evaluate sources, and what databases to use for what areas of interest.

This week we are narrowing it down to our top 5 most valuable research and development skills at CArtLab Solutions:

1. Continuous quest for knowledge

We use as many keyword combinations (Boolean operators!) within a google scholar search as possible to find relevant sources. We do not give up reading about a topic after reading through 2 pages of google scholar queries. We continue to keep learning and unlearning through uncertainty and failures until we reach the knowledge we need to solve a problem.

2. Experimental Design

In early phases of defining research questions, it takes guts to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks; however, it is inefficient for meeting deadlines and staying within budget. Our favorite tool for diving deep into research questions with uncomfortable amount of variables is MiniTab. Statistical calculations paired with well informed hypothesis and models helps us to set up experiments that lead seamlessly to conclusions.

3. Sampling Techniques

Results are only as powerful as the samples used to collect and process data. Sampling can be random, stratified, or clustered, and when deciding what samples to test, it is important to consider not just what sample to test, but how to handle that sample before and during testing. Experimental design will be irrelevant if the sample is giving information about a coating/ surface rather than the bulk material.

4. Technical Ability

There is software and hardware that is imperative to succeed at solving research questions, and it is not usually to the same software or hardware that we use in our day to day lives. Besides developing skillsets in specific automation softwares like MatLab or Python, or hardware understanding of a PC/Mac used to operate that software, there are other research relevant technical abilities. Specifically hand skills are incredibly valuable when it comes to chemical research- pouring liquids without spilling/wasting chemicals, operating pipetters to measure small liquids, and handling small solids to measure microsamples without contamination.

5. Formulaic Thinking

Imperative to research is understanding how to manipulate formulae and solving equations relevant to a specific question, like for example calculating the right amount of material to add to get a product based on the balanced chemical equation needed. However, we believe critical thinking applied to problem solving, communication within collaborators, and organization is important to the success of research.

What examples of R&D skills do you value?

Please reach out and let us know how you have used these 5 important R&D skills to solve problems in your work!

mHub Monday: Laser Cutting

mHub Monday: Laser Cutting

As some followers may know, our Principal and Founder Dr. CC is currently participating in the Landis Hardtech Fellowship at mHub in Chicago. This fellowship is specifically used to help independent contractors develop new skills and build their portfolios for additional client work.

One new skill Dr. CC has acquired is the operation of CO2 laser cutting equipment.

What is a laser?

As an acronym, laser stands for light amplication for simulated emission of radiation.

Depending on the laser power and emission wavelength, cat safety can be preserved (CArtLab Solutions does not condone cat cruely).

CO2 laser cutters utilize the laser beam (spot size <1mm) to vaporize materials, resulting in a cut edge on a variety of materials such as titanium, stainless steel, mild steel, aluminium, plastic, wood, engineered wood, wax, fabrics, and paper.

In one project, Dr. CC used the CO2 laser cutter to cut craft paper for an adhesive backed label, see image:

Apple Bourbon label

In another project, Dr. CC used the same CO2 laser for engraving to distinguish her work notebook from other moleskines, see image:

CArtLab Solutions moleskine laser cut

The two main advantages of using a laser cutter over traditional mechanical cutting include:

  • no contamination of surface edge with this precision cutting
  • less chance of material warpage as laser cutter heat affected zones are minimal

These two points are important, particularly with plastic materials used by CArtLab Solutions that may be sensitive to thermal strains.

A change from a CO2 laser source to a Nd, or Nd:YAG laser source brings higher energy to expand the applications to micro-welding and boring.

The options discussed thus far are pulsed lasers that are paired with advanced optics and CNC positioning software. In comparison, fiber lasers have increased focusability (100x smaller spot size) with selectable beam quality, i.e. multi-laser beams are possible. The fiber laser is particularly useful for highly reflective metals like copper or bronze, that are not able to be cut as easily with the optics of CO2 or Yd:NAG lasers.

Please reach out today to CArtLab Solutions if there is a need for laser cutting your products so we can help bring your brand to life with this fun technology!

End use parts with additive manufacturing (AM)

End use parts with additive manufacturing (AM)

Technology changes fast.

Sales teams want to convince users that their newest product or process is revolutionary.

From the startup perspective of early stage manufacturing or product development, the lean method is to prototype with the cheapest available materials to prove the concept.

Prototyping is where 3D printing, or additive manufacturing (AM) has long (>10 yrs) filled a obvious need.

Generally in maker spaces, the next step for startup founders is to begin working with large scale manufacturers (usually abroad) on tooling for injection molding or CNC milling that requires a fixed product design and tooling that costs upwards of $1000 for development.

Is this really the best next step for development that we can offer? For startups capital is usually limited at early stages, and when fundraising, a almost working prototype is important to demonstrate feasibility.

What about the early stage designs that require iteration as IOT software is developed and integrated?

What about early stage material choice changes that reflect the user experience preferences?

What about early stage polymer chemistry compatibility differences with thermal profiles and thus require a major change in process altogether?

These questions, and many more (please readers, share and comment any of yours), have been observed by Dr. CC of CArtLab Solutions while working within mHub’s ecosystem and maker space; we believe we can offer a middle next step without getting on any international phone calls.

At the scale of 1 product–> 100 products before the scale change from 100s –> 1000s, there is an opportunity for AM to be utilized, as discussed in the literature via case studies and Fortune 500 companies over the past ~5-10 years.

For example, an interview with Menno Ellis Senior VP of 3D systems published by Michael Petch at 3Dprintingindustry.com in 2017 discussed trends of end use printed parts by this giant in the AM industry. Specifically, he suggested that AM is being used in several industries for end use parts ranging from “the first 100 or 1,000 new products are 3D Printed to shorten time-to-market before tooling, etc. is ready.” These specific industries that are using 3D printed parts for this production scale include medical and dental particularly proesthetics, aerospace manufacturing of high-end components with ideal strength to weight ratio, in jewelry, and even with the industrial goods application of a heat exchanger.

It’s not just 3D systems promoting their AM solutions for end use parts, other companies recently like Formlabs in 2022 describe this “sea change” in manufacturing (https://formlabs.com/blog/3d-printing-change-end-use-parts/), or Statrays in a recent white paper reference a “digital transformation” owing to the success of end use parts through additive manufacturing (https://www.stratasys.com/en/resources/whitepapers/end-use-parts/). Further, AMFG in 2021 discusses their adoption of this technology for end use parts through their work with Fortune 500 companies like Ford Motor Company using Carbon’s DLS technology for an HVAC part or like Lockheed Market using an EBAM (electron beam additive manufacturing) method to create titanium domes for aircrafts, alongside other examples (https://amfg.ai/2021/08/30/why-companies-embrace-3d-printing-for-end-part-production/).

Fortune-500 companies have pulled off using these AM technologies for production parts in a variety of materials from organics to metals, but is it all a smoke show?

Are AM methods ROI positive for end use parts? What about for any plastic parts?

In 2019 Carlotta V. at 3DNatives dives into these materials in the comparison of traditional methods to AM technologies like fused filament fabrication (FFF)/ fused deposition modeling (FDM), or sterolithography (SLA) and digital light projector (DLP), or selective laser sintering (SLS) and multi-jet fusion (MJF). CArtLab Solutions specializes in plastics, polymers, and biopolymers so these are all methods offered through our technical consulting services.

For using FFF or FDM in the applications of medical devices or jigs/fixtures/brackets both parameters of time and money can be saved in production runs around 100 parts using commodity and engineering thermoplastics.

For SLA or DLP the application of customized razor blade handles using thermoset and engineering grade resins in clear and colored versions could be created at smaller volumes ~50 parts in significntly less time and money than traditional injection molded versions.

For SLS or MJF in nylon (PA 11/ PA12), carbon-filled nylon, or thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) of money and time can be cut in half from vacuum molded parts and still save on both categories compared to injection molded parts in volumes <500 units.

In product development, plastic parts in smaller to medium volumes are best budgetted through 3D printed/ AM processes.

Inquire at CArtLab Solutions today to discuss your small to medium volume plastic parts!

New space, new optimization!

New space, new optimization!

Most office spaces these days are large open spaces with individualized desks, very different than the offices of the past which included long hallways with individual offices, each with their own door to shut out distractions and keep in the noise of each phone call.

For those of us that have introverted personalities or who struggle to stay focused with even the smallest of distractions, the physical arrangement of open layouts in our work spaces can feel like walking on a tight rope that any minute will led us to our metaphorical work death.

During my Landis Fellowship at mHub, I am taking the time to invent new and efficient processes to support my business growth. After a few weeks of working as an introvert in the mHub open office space, I realized that I was beginning to feel resentment around my inability to stay productive while on site.

My intent was to participate in the mHub ecosystem as a flexible colleague open to impromptu meetings with important stakeholders who may approach my desk; however, I needed to be able to write up client contracts, read journal articles, patent literature, and do the work of running a business.

To optimize my new work space, I took a cue from red light green light, a popular childhood game in the USA.

In the game when the light is green one can proceed toward the goal, and when it is red one must stay still and if they move at all they have to go back to the beginning.

At CArtLab Solutions in the open office spaces of mHub we have assembled a working prototype for all the introverts, using inspiration from a childhood game!

To make the working prototype, we grabbed an old frame to insert a printed google doc, a stack of business cards, and a $10 Puck LED light with timers from amazon (batteries not included).

When I am sitting at my desk and doing general tasks for CArtLab Solutions, the green light opens the metaphorical door to conversation for anyone nearby.

In contrast, when the red light is on, the framed text alerts a colleague on how to proceed:

“Thanks for dropping by!

πŸ›‘πŸš¨Red Light 🚨 πŸ›‘

I’m heads down on a client project soΒ please come back later or slack/email me.”

For the helpful insight to alert others of my presence on-site, I will leave the light on any other color but red or green when I step away from my desk for work in the maker space, in the conference room, or in the event space.

Oh how I wish I had thought of this solution >10 years ago when in graduate student shared offices where I would find the environment so distracting that I would have to escape to the quietest floor in the library!

Hope this helps anyone else who struggles with focus with background noise or work interruptions like I do.

Please let me know if you decide to adopt this solution in your open office space to improve efficiency and optimize focus.

The Science of Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day

The Science of Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day

Back in 1961, the Chicago River was not something that local residents were proud of; in fact, it was a receptacle for trash from many local businesses. It is unclear how the river dyeing tradition began in 1962, whether it was inspired by an accidental spill of dye on white plumbers coveralls or by using pipe leak detection dye in the river itself for Mayor Richard Daley to crack down on polluters, but by St Patrick’s Day that year, 100 lbs of fluorescein dye in oil was added and lasted a full week (J.M. Wood, 2022).

Eco-conscious minds of today likely understand oil-based solutions should not be mixed in high concentrations into water, but the oil dilutant was not the only issue.

The colorant in the dye itself actually causes adverse allergic reactions in humans, as fluorescein is a xanthene-based organic compound belonging to the triarylmethane dye family.

SIDE NOTE: A similar dye compound with the same safety hazard labeling was researched by Dr. CC for 2 years during her Chemistry Masters synthesizing nanoparticles to detect heavy metal ions in water.

By 1966 local residents with the environment on their mind petitioned for a change in compound to a vegetable-based dye, to ensure a low ecological impact with this yearly tradition.

Tough luck for us curious readers, the local plumbers union feels that “revealing the formula would be akin to ‘telling where the leprechaun hides its gold.'”

Let’s follow the rainbow to deduce this secret using a favorite science tool: a hypothesis.

A hypothesis can sound intimidating, but can be fun if you see it as your loose boundaries and goal.

At CArtLab Solutions, we like to test hypotheses as working question(s) to guide the research journey and scope.

In the case of this mystery formula, we can start by asking a set of questions like how does the orange powder go from a solid to a liquid and then change color from orange to green?

Let’s follow one of these at a time:

  1. Solid to Liquid: It is a pigment but is dispensed in the picture above in what looks like a bright yellow green solution. Usually, pigments are dissolved into a medium used to aid in spreading the color to different surfaces. In the case of the original application of leak detection in water, an oil solution helped locate a trail through the interface formed between these different materials. In the context of dying the river, dispensing an aqueous (water) solution helps it dissolve to a bigger but similar body with less danger to the life of the Chicago River, and follows the old chemistry adage: “like dissolves like.” This also helps us understand that the colorant in question is soluble in water.
  2. Color change from orange to ‘Chicago St. Patty’s Day green: This clue helps exclude a simple green food coloring dye, such as FD&C Green No. 3 (Fast Green). Therefore, it is also extremely unlikely it would be a mixture of the other food dye options, which are proven to be hazardous toward human neurobiological growth, not to mention the ecological impact on local wildlife.

At this point in solving our hypothesis, a little art theory is useful.

The color wheel represents how colors mixed together creates other colors; however, there are different color wheels for absorption of light versus transmission of light.

If a material (or powder) absorbs a certain color, then the final color seen by us will be it’s complementary color; whereas if a material has no color (like a body of water) the transmission of color will be it’s true color. (https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/resources/highschool/chemmatters/past-issues/2015-2016/october-2015/food-colorings.html).

For example, a blue natural dye like anthocyanin in transmitted light will appear blue, but with absorbed light or in an absorbing medium like a powder, it will appear orange (https://sites.middlebury.edu/chem103lab/2017/01/23/colors-part-ii-absorption/).

This helps us understand some of this puzzle, but the water turns bright green not blue. So if we have an orange powder, what else could be in it that helps it look green in water?

Making green with subtractive color theory (yellow-blue-red) includes the mixing of blue and yellow pigments, so the blue pigment would appear orange in powder, but wouldn’t the added yellow pigment look purple and thus appear as a brown powder mixture? However, if a yellow colorant like the water soluble carthamidin from safflowers was added already in water, then this proposed combination would also help explain why the dispensing liquid in the picture looks so incredibly yellow not green until it is in the water (https://formulabotanica.com/38-natural-colourants-skincare/).

CArtLab Solutions proposes that Chicago’s St. Patty’s Day river dyeing secret sauce is likely the combination of powdered pigment vegetable dyes such as anthocyanin with diluted safflower colorant for the yellow to create a bright green aqueous river solution!

Hope everyone continues to dye safely with vegetable-based pigments for all future St. Patrick’s Day traditions, and please reach out if you have any other information to verify or disprove our hypothesis!

Where to start with materials characterization?

Where to start with materials characterization?

Is it a technique that answers your question or is it the one that you favor because it is already in your lab? We wish it were the latter, but in many cases, scientists will favor the instrumentation that is already available and at the right cost (FREE).

Most people like to use what they know and don’t like change. At CArtLab Solutions, we do not own any capital equipment and rent from surrounding universities and mHub, so our clients can trust our techniques are optimized to answer their questions. Plus Dr. CC loves learning new toys..ahem..techniques, so she takes every opportunity to get trained in various testing equipment.

Materials Characterization is about digging deeper to save time and money!

If we had an endless budget, sample, and time, we could baseline every material on every test, but no one wants to pay for that, so here are some questions to consider:

What level/scale is this problem? As in, does it impact the full composite product or just one component?

What phase is the material in and what phase is the issue occurring?

Does the sample need to be manipulated before analysis, i.e. sputter coating or surrounded by resin at angle for cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), or captured with headspace solid phase micro extraction (HS-SPME) tubes for a certain exposure time before analysis with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS)?

Does the problem involve the joining or interaction of material components?

Does the issue involve one material on the nanoscale?

Is there a process involved? Can you compare two different samples and a control to explain the issue?

Does it prove a failure? Is the failure able to be identified by a specific marker that can be measured?

Is there a product requirement or field specific property that must be measured by following an ASTM or ISO method? Does it need to be validated by a certified user?

Is there enough sample available to do destructive analysis and create a statistical relevant dataset?

Can non-destructive analysis like imaging or microscopy provide the answer?

Does the sample material available interact with any of the sample preparation steps in a way that will impact the interpretation of the data?

Can it be answered by elemental or molecular analysis?

Does it need multiple techniques to answer the issue- both chemical and structural?

Can certain measurements be inputs for simulations to solve the problem without extensive laboratory time?

What other problems have you (my audience) come across when looking to collect data from different materials characterization techniques?

It is important that the strategy behind testing is well considered in advance to diving into the work of materials characterization, to ensure the technique, cost, and sample preparation are all accounted.

πŸš€ 10 Characteristics of Innovators in Research and Development 🌐

πŸš€ 10 Characteristics of Innovators in Research and Development 🌐

Embarking on a thrilling journey as a Principal in polymer chemistry and materials science by founding CArtLab Solutions, my path is illuminated by innovation, inclusivity, and a passion for sustainability. Today, I am eager to unveil the dynamic traits of my ideal client profile, embodying the pulsating values that fuel my scientific endeavors.

🎯 1. Visionaries Wanted: Ideal clients do not just know what they need; they dream big and invite innovation into their world. We are not here to follow trends; we are here to set them.

πŸ’‘ 2. Discerning Pioneers: Let us collaborate with those who do not just settle for the basics. Ideal clients have an eye for what is essential and a taste for the extraordinary in our journey of research and development.

πŸ”„ 3. Time-Bending Partners: Speed is of the essence, and ideal clients know that. We are not just respectful of time; we are time-benders, pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in every moment.

🌍 4. Mission Mavericks: It is not just about a mission; it is about a shared revolution. Ideal clients are not afraid to disrupt, and our collaboration is a commitment to sustainable and equitable research and development, challenging conventions along the way.

🌟 5. Breaking Barriers Together: As a female scientist who has danced in male-dominated spaces, I am not just looking for clients; I am seeking co-conspirators ready to break barriers and redefine the narrative for women and BIPOC in the sciences.

🌿 6. Green Innovation Champions: In this post-COVID era, let us not just talk about sustainability; let us create a green revolution. Ideal clients are eco-warriors, and together, we will design solutions that empower ourselves and our planet.

πŸ”— 7. Beyond Expectations: Buckle up for a ride where expectations are not met; they’re surpassed. Ideal clients join me in challenging norms and expectations, creating a new paradigm for success.

🌐 8. Global Explorers: Ideal clients thrive on global collaboration, recognizing that diverse perspectives spark the most profound innovations. Our playground is boundless.

βš–οΈ 9. Ambition Architects: Dream big, act bigger. Ideal clients balance ambition with realism, creating a roadmap for success that is as daring as it is achievable.

🀝 10. Transparent Trailblazers: We do not just communicate; we resonate. Ideal clients value transparency, open dialogue, and constructive feedback, building a partnership that is as solid as it is dynamic.

Ready to revolutionize your business through research and development? Let us not just make waves; let us create a tidal shift together!

Please do not hesitate to reach out to share your feedback.

#InnovationRevolution #SustainabilityTrailblazers #DareToDream #FindFun